Just played a bunch of shows in Australia with Madelief van Vlijmen on bass and Ebgert de Jongh on guitar. This shot is from a killer gig in the old town hall in West Kempsey on the Mid North Coast of NSW where I grew up. Cattle country, big rivers, big scrub and big beaches. I never really left, not inside anyway. We sold the show out and it was big deal for me to go back and play there.
The new record COUNTRY STAR came out on 2 June and gigs are planned for July & August in Australia, and for the fall in Europe (tickets in link!). There has also been attention in the music press like the story below from Music Maker in The Netherlands. They wrote that it was a “beautiful organic sounding” record. The title translates roughly to “Rough Textured Alt-Country via Black & White TV tubes”. The Dutch language is all about precision and exactness. Clearly, I overdid when I was asked me about my gear. I told them all about my new-old stock 1957 General Electric television vacuum tubes that currently occupy my main guitar amp – for a long time. They ran with it.
Then there’s this: by the time an album comes out I’ve heard it so often that I’m ready to move on. I’m rehearsing for my upcoming shows at the moment and I should be going over the stuff thats just come out or other things I want to play live, but I find myself mucking about on some new riff, groove or song fragment instead. Is this a problem? I will no doubt find out the next time I walk onto a stage in front of you. Meanwhile, if you havent had a listen to COUNTRY STAR already, wrap your listening gear around this and wish me well!