Author: Sander

  • Album done and dusted!

    My new solo album is finished! It’s called SONGS FROM DAN and will be released first in August in Australia, then later in the year in Europe. This clip here on the home page is one of the songs from it. I shot it on my phone while recording the song – true ay. Thats…

  • Producer

    I have an extremely high-quality portable set-up for recording on location. I prefer recording small-scale acoustic sessions, and my gear is oriented towards this. It’s a hybrid set-up that contains the best of both digital and analogue technology. I like to color and torture my signal path with Tube-Tech, Crane Song and Thermionic Culture hard-wired…

  • Music

    LETTERS OF GOLD (2020 album) Produced by Zlaya Loud & Michael Turner, Recorded with Matt Walker and Rowan Mathews at Stovepipe Studios in Melbourne, Australia. Contributing musicicans: Matt Walker, Michael Turner, Lucie Thorne, Madelief van Vlijmen, Judith Renkema, Steve Gilbert, Nick Larkins, Zlaya Loud SAY YOU WILL (2019 single) Right click here for free…

  • Biography

    I grew up in the river town of Kempsey in northern New South Wales, Australia. I live in Holland now – have been here for over 25 years but, as the old saying goes, you can take the boy outa the country but you cant take the country outa the boy.  The Macleay Valley where…